Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reiny's Christmas Program

So every year the elementary school has a Christmas Program where the little ones perform for the community. Since Reiny's in preschool now, she got to be a part of it this year. I guess that this is one of the perks of living in such a small community, you can sing of Christ in school without any repercussions from any "politically correct" members of government chastising you on the 6 o'clock news. They also had a nativity scene made up of the elementary kids complete with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, wise men, and an angel (Reiny was a donkey). It melted my heart to see how hard Reiny was trying to sing out loud enough for us to hear her! I just feel so lucky to be a part of this great community!

1 comment:

Taylor's said...

Oh my word she is darling! And the picture of her with Santa - I swear for a second it was you I was looking at! Susan she is your mini-me!

She is so smart and fun loving! Miss you guys!