Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anything to do with Me?

Well, after much reflection on this little bloggy thingy, I've discovered that I've spent an awful lot of time discussing Reiny and how she's doing and very little do with myself and my days. I supposed that has a great deal to do with the fact that my day starts and ends with "mommy," but nevertheless, there's still more to me than just "Mommy." I thought that I'd take you through my day today. I had originally planned on cleaning my house and attacking the growing pile of laundry that has now seemed to take on a mind of its own and all but grown arms and legs capable of beating me senseless for leaving it unattended this long. However, after a timely phone call from my Father-in-law about the impending threat of a rainstorm, Reiny, Jordan, and I hustled out of the house and out to the ranch to finish bailing a pivot. Jordan (the sweatheart) took Reiny with him on some service calls while I started bailing. Chase finished raking in front of me and then we went to lunch. During lunch the wind picked up and I ate and ran back to my bailer to finish what I could of the field before everything was destoyed by the wind. Jordan took Reiny, again, with him to water down the corrals for preg testing tomorrow (that's where we check to see if the cows are pregnant). I bailed my little heart out until the tractor gave an unfamiliar lurch and started sputtering. I looked down to see the fuel gauge blinking ominously at me and I shut off the engine. Wouldn't you know it...out of fuel and less than half a row left to bail! In any case, we've already hit 550 bails on the one pivot alone which brings us to a grand total somewhere around 5800 bails (give or take a few). Now all we have left (minus the half a row on this pivot and some side hills) is 2nd crop on 2 other pivots. That should be about another 700-900 bails and we're done!!! Yippee!!! So back to my day...after running out of fuel I called Jordan to bring me some more, but he was going to be busy for a little while and Reiny needed a nap so I came back here to put her down, but my work was not over. Just as I started composing this eloquent posting I heard cows mooing ferociously outside and I had to grab my shoes and head off a coo being staged by some runaway cows. Jordan and Chase were trying to get them in the corral for tomorrow's testing, but they wanted little to do with that! In any case, the cows are in the corral, the tractor's still out of fuel, Reiny's asleep, my laundry has probably now gotten up and headed for the hills, and it has yet to rain today! So much for that!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chase's Win

Here's the video I promised of Chase's big win at the War Bonnett Roundup in Idaho Falls. Chase is the heeler in the back on the white horse, Beverly.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Reiny's Crawling

Reiny started crawling for the first time on August 10, 2008. I finally got her on video when she didn't know I was watching. Since then she has learned to pull herself up on the furniture and she once let go of the coffee table and stood by herself for a second before grabbing on again. I can't believe how fast she's growing up!!! Boy am I in for it!!!

Been a While

It's been a while since I've taken time to post about what's going on here. A few weeks ago we got a break from baling with the arrival of a gorgeous rain storm, so we went to Lava Hot Springs for our anniversary...6 years!!! It's hard to believe it's been that long, but looking back we've had so many exciting adventures that few people ever experience (or would want to for that matter). Well in any case, we left late on Friday night and drove to Lava through some of the craziest rainstorms I've ever seen in the west. I took some gorgeous pictures of the valley as we were leaving that helps remind me of why I choose to stay in this isolated land in which I currently reside.

We got to Lava and stayed in our friend Quin's cabin. It is so nice and isolated in the trees above the town. On Saturday we went swimming and I was the only person brave enough to jump off of the 40' platform. Unfortunately Reiny got tired and needed to nap so we left shortly after that so I could never convince Jordan to give it a go!
We stayed one more night and came home on Sunday. It was a nice break that was greatly needed. Hopefully we'll get to have a few more days like that before life speeds up again!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hooray for Chase!

Last night Jordan, Reiny, and I went down to Idaho Falls to watch Chase rope in one of his first Pro-Rodeos, The War Bonnett Roundup. Unfortunately, due to a flat tire on the trip down, we missed his roping by about 2 minutes. In any case, Chase WON!!! He and his partner roped the steer in 5.9 seconds to win the round! Jordan's friend Brent got it all on video for us and he said as soon as he gets home to New York he'll send me a copy of the run. Once I get it, I'll post it on the blog for you all to see!