Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When the Cows Come Home

We brought the cows home on Friday, Feb. 11, 2011, which can only mean one thing...CALVING SEASON HAS ARRIVED!!! April and Brian, as well as their whole family, came over for the fun event. I managed to drive the truck and horse trailer off the road and get it stuck while trying to stick the binky back in Ryann's mouth. Nothing like a woman driver, eh?

After we spent all morning on Saturday sorting the cows into their respective bunches, they got the gate open between them during lunch and we got to do the process all over again that afternoon!!! AHHHH!!! Is this any indication of what we're in for this season? I only hope that Heavenly Father will look out for us as we attempt to do this laborious (no pun intended) process again!!!

Christmas and Utah Trip

Here's some pictures from Christmas and our trip to Utah.

Reiny's 3rd Birthday

I know this is quite late, but I figured, better late than never. Reiny turned 3 on Dec. 4, 2010 (which happened to also be the 9th anniversary of my first date with Jordan). It's hard to believe what a smart, beautiful little girl my baby has turned in to! She loves puzzles (and is getting quite good at them!), volleyball (which probably has a lot to do with the fact she's followed me to all the high school and junior high practices and games for 2 years now), jumping off of anything and everything she can find, writing her letters (which so far is just A and B, but she's getting pretty good at "school"), and helping Daddy with all his work. She loves to drive the backhoe and "fix" pivots. She's a great sister to Ryann and is very helpful with diapers and burp cloths, as well as kisses and hugs. She started primary this year and although she was a bit apprehensive at first, is starting to really enjoy the songs and lessons (as well as her awesome teacher, Annie Stokes). Much to Mommy's dismay, she has pretty much given up her naps, but she will sit and watch movies whenever Mommy needs a moment to herself. She's a good girl. A beautiful girl. A smart girl. I feel so blessed to have her in my life. She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She comforts me on my "down days" and laughs with me on my good ones. I love her so much and feel so blessed to have such a healthy little girl in my home.


I love you so much. I remember praying for you to come for so long. I remember sitting in my hospital room, just the two of us, and singing "I am a Child of God" while tears streamed down my face. You are one of my greatest blessings. You try my patience and amaze me with your wit and humor all at the same time!

I love you, Reiny Marie. No matter how old you get or how far life takes you, you will always be my baby girl. Forever and ever...



Just as a side note: Thank you to my sister, Catherine, for throwing Reiny a wonderful party on her birthday!!! Lucky girl got 2 parties for her b-day!!