Monday, May 16, 2011

Easter and Birthdays

Well this Easter was a little different for us. We drove down to Utah for my niece's 7th birthday party and planned for the Easter Bunny to meet us there. Unfortunately, I managed to contract some strange cow disease from branding and spent the entire trip sick in bed at my sister's house. Jordan was on a cross-country trip in the semi picking up pivots in Nebraska, so my sister and parents had the fun task of taking care of my little bundles of joy and ME!

Despite my misery, I did manage to drag myself out of bed long enough to go to the egg hunt with Reiny. She did great and was so sweet! She'd pick up candy and put it in the younger kids baskets! Too cute! She and her cute cousin Kate (say that 10 times fast!) are just about the same age so they worked together to fill their baskets with the "loot." Kate is allergic to gluten and picked up a package of crackers. I said "Kate, no! Those have gluten!" and she immediately turned and put the crackers in Reiny's bucket. They are so fun to watch together!

Malisia turned 7 and had a "Wild Things" party. An animal handler came to the house with lots of fun animals for the kids to touch and observe. Reiny loved the dancing bird the best and still tries to imitate her and her "funky dance." I thought the iguana and tortoises where quite amazing and loved watching Reiny jump when the pigmy hedgehog "sneezed" at her. All in all, the trip was quite fun (at least for my kids) and I'm glad we went. Otherwise, I'd have been deathly ill at home by myself with the two kids!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Well, I might have some answers about Ryann's condition. I finally broke down and called the doctor about her crankiness. He said that it didn't sound like she had enough symptoms for it to be an ear infection, especially since it has lasted for so long. He told me to pump and see how much milk I'm feeding her on average. I's enough quantitatively. He then told me to put it in the fridge and see how much fat settles to the top...TADA! NONE! Answer: You're starving your baby!

I guess it makes sense now. She would nurse and have enough fluid to be satisfied for a short time, but there wasn't enough fat and protein to keep her full long enough. She'd then wake up extremely early from any nap I could get her down for, hungry and cranky. She'd nurse and then be really tired. I didn't think she could possibly be tired yet, so I'd try playing with her and keeping her awake...only making her more tired, cranky, and hungry...then the cycle would repeat.

I knew I was low on milk by the end of the day so I'd been supplementing her before bed with formula and she'd sleep peacefully through the all makes sense now. If I was a cow, I'd have been culled a long time ago!

So, in any case...despite the fact that I nursed Reiny for a full year, we have begun the weaning process with Ryann so she can be happier and healthier. I suppose I just have too many stresses in my life right now to produce good enough milk to sustain her, but in any case, I have to do what's right for her.

I've really struggled with giving this up, but last night as I fed her a bottle and she stared up at me and smiled slightly, I felt at peace with my decision. This is what she needs now, and I'm going to do what's right for her.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some "Rainy" (not Reiny) Days

This is a "Dear Diary" Moment:

Ryann won't stop crying. She does this almost all day...every day. I keep telling myself she'll grow out of it and to enjoy every moment I can, because soon these days will be gone...but seriously...HOW DO YOU DO THAT???

Also, I'm embarassed by how cranky she is. That sounds stupid. Yes, very stupid. I don't know why I'm taking this as a personal attack on my mothering skills, but I am. It's almost as if I feel like if I was a better mother she wouldn't be so cranky...she'd be one of those babies that is happy to see people and to socialize with others.

I want that so bad. I want to be patient and loving and help her get over this phase, but I'm losing my mind. I wish I had answers. I've been given a lot of great suggestions on what it could be, but deep down I feel like this is just her personality. Yep...I've finally admitted that to myself.

I love her. I hope she can get through this quickly, but more importantly, I hope I can be patient, loving, and kind like I know my father in heaven would have me be until this phase is over. Until then, please send some help Heavenly Father!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Growing Up

A Little Calving...and Branding

Calving was tough this year. The weather was bitterly cold for most of it...the wind blew constantly, and the snow was unyielding. I guess the difficulty of this year was compounded by the fact that I had a nursing baby at the house as well. I usually LOVE calving season. I don't mind working my guts out, mostly because it means I get to spend most of my day with Jordan. Unlike most people, I actually like working with my spouse...that's not to say we don't have our moments :)...but for the most part we love seeing each other all day long.

When the weather let up a little, Reiny came down to the the sheds and helped out. She is so darn cute and I'm constantly amazed by how big she's getting and what she's capable of doing on her own now. She milked a cow by herself this year and even witnessed a c-section. She had lots of questions, like "Mommy, why is he putting a hole in that cow? Why is it so red in there? Is he supposed to be doing that?" I thought she'd get sick or even a little scared, but she wasn't...she watched with curious eyes and actually enjoyed the whole experience...I guess that's ultimately why I love this lifestyle; the benefits for my children can't be found anywhere else.

c-section baby

cart full of cousins (and then some...)

Branding was about the same as every year...tiring. We did 1350 calves in 4 days. The nice part was having more than enough help this time. We had to work quickly and between winter storms (in April!!!), so it was nice having lots of extra hands there to push calves, vaccinate, castrate, and brand whenever needed. Unfortunately, April, Chase, and I all contracted something either from the cows, calves, or vaccine and spent the next week sicker than dogs. It just so happened to hit me while on a trip to Utah for Easter to visit my family, so I got to spend the weekend in bed and on my sister's couch while everyone else tended my kids!

Tomorrow we get to finish branding with the last 250 or will be nice to be done! I guess that means we have irrigating season just ahead of us! Jordan's already up to his eyeballs in government contracts. Maybe after this summer we can take a much-needed vacation!