Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some "Rainy" (not Reiny) Days

This is a "Dear Diary" Moment:

Ryann won't stop crying. She does this almost all day...every day. I keep telling myself she'll grow out of it and to enjoy every moment I can, because soon these days will be gone...but seriously...HOW DO YOU DO THAT???

Also, I'm embarassed by how cranky she is. That sounds stupid. Yes, very stupid. I don't know why I'm taking this as a personal attack on my mothering skills, but I am. It's almost as if I feel like if I was a better mother she wouldn't be so cranky...she'd be one of those babies that is happy to see people and to socialize with others.

I want that so bad. I want to be patient and loving and help her get over this phase, but I'm losing my mind. I wish I had answers. I've been given a lot of great suggestions on what it could be, but deep down I feel like this is just her personality. Yep...I've finally admitted that to myself.

I love her. I hope she can get through this quickly, but more importantly, I hope I can be patient, loving, and kind like I know my father in heaven would have me be until this phase is over. Until then, please send some help Heavenly Father!



Kim L said...

Hey Sus! My son Caleb was the same way. It is sooo hard. Now he is such a mild, kind hearted little boy. Don't get down on yourself. I am going to send you an article that was given to me and it did help him a bit. Love ya girlie! Hang in there!

Taylor's said...

This child is so special - she was placed in the right hands, I know it doesn't feel like that but I trust the Lord that he placed her especially with you because of your patience, love and caring.

Just read your post again - all it says to me is LOVE! How much you truly LOVE her and how you want the absolute best for her!

I will again put the families names on the prayer roll and keep you in my prayers!

I sure do love you! Happy Mother's Day to an AMAZING Mother - because that is what you are!

I LOVE you!