Here they are bathing together...blackmail for later!
I was also in the Salem Spring Triathlon with my sister and sister-in-law. Catherine swam like I'd never imagined any woman could, then I biked my little heart out for 13 miles, watching toddlers pass me on tricycles, and then Lauren ran the 3 miles to finish us off! We finished...and let's just leave it at that...
Reiny and I just got back from visiting my Mom and Sister in SLC, UT for a "girl's week." We shopped our little hearts out, decorated everything in sight, and swam with all the little girls. Reiny always loves to visit Grandma. I had a great time watching her with Kate, her cousin. Reiny was so funny with her. As soon as Kate would walk in the room, Reiny would grab all the toys around her and scream "NO, MINE!!!" She's rather vocal these days. We've had a good time making her say every word we can think of...she does pretty well for only being 18 mths old. Here's some pictures of Reiny swimming and climbing the rock wall.
Lastly, this weekend Chase's fiance and future in-laws came up to visit the ranch. They're such sweet, kind-hearted people and if Megan is anything like her mother I know she and Chase will be very happy together. Saturday we went over to Hamilton, MT to visit April and Brian. While there we went to take a look at Skalkaho Falls after all this amazing rain we've been having this year. We've had about 3 weeks of straight rain. Today was sunny, but looking out the window comes the rain! I'm so grateful for this wet tends to calm the irrigators down and Reiny and I actually get to see Jordan a little more. Here we are at the falls...look at them raging!!! Reiny wanted to swim again in the "wa-wa."
These last pictures are just cute ones of Reiny. I'm so blessed to have this adorable little girl. She is saying so much these days. She actually brought Jordan a toy yesturday and said "Dad...turn on." I was floored! She will also tattle on people like, "Dad burp" or "Dad toot." It's quite helpful and also annoying. She has also started telling us when she's pooped. Not so helpful in church when she's screaming "Mom Dad POOP." Jordan says it's time to break out the baby potty, but I'm not really convinced she's ready for any formal potty training. We'll give it a go, but I'm not holding my breath. Here's my little toad...
You posted before me - awesome and amazing! I love the falls picture and the cute pictures of Reiny - it was so fun to have you - please come again and we can't wait for the 4th of July! Call me and let me know what to bring - seriously I want to help out!
I love the picture of Reiny with the yellow bows! It was so fun to see you last week. Sounds like you had a great vacation with Catherine and your Mom. Email me if you want to come over and see my blog...he he.
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