Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday and I couldn't have asked for any better Easter gift than the one I received...SUN!!! Yes, it is sunny and 60 degrees here! The snow is melting (leaving my yard quite flooded!) and the birds are back. Reiny wore her new Easter dress to church and looked absolutely adorable with her new sandals and freshly painted toenails...I haven't taken a picture of her in this yet. I'm hoping to get some professional pictures taken of her in this outfit before too long. Maybe I can get Catherine's photographer to take some cute Spring pictures of Reiny...ok, now I'm rambling.

Jordan even surprised me with a new Easter dress. I haven't had a new dress for years! It's brown and yellow...well, I'll just take a picture of me in it and post that later!

Yesturday, Reiny went to her first Easter Egg Hunt down at the Leadore Rodeo grounds. It was so funny watching her! She would pick up an egg, hand it to me, I'd put it in the basket, then she'd take it out of the basket and throw it on the ground! She did, however, learn how to unwrap suckers herself. I think she ate like 3 in 5 minutes! The Easter bunny also made an appearance. He was the scariest bunny I've ever seen! All that was missing was the big cigarette hanging out of his mouth! In any case, it was funny to see Reiny running from the Easter bunny and eating her candy.

This morning, Reiny woke up and came into the kitchen to find that the Easter bunny had brought her a basket of goodies! She ran right to the basket and grabbed the pink bunny and left. We eventually got her to see that there was more in there for her. It was so much fun to celebrate this holiday with her. Last year she was too little to care, and maybe she still is, but it was fun for me if nothing else!

Here's some pictures of our weekend.


Jess said...

I just logged on and there were no new updates from the blogs I was following and I refreshed it for some reason and there was your post! It was funny. I was getting ready to do that exact post about the sun, easter and the egg hunt! Great minds think alike!

Taylor's said...

Okay so that bunny - scary - I would even RUN!

And Reiny - adorable as ever! I love, love, love her bunny ears!

Gosh - I miss you guys and I can't believe I am writing this but I just miss the RANCH! Something so simple but gratifying about being there and helping out. It truly was the BEST week of my WHOLE year being up there! I wish we could live next door - sigh - maybe one day.

Chelsea and Jay said...

Reiny is so cute! Isn't Easter so fun! I am sorry that I didn't realize you were having a hard time this last year. That makes me sad because I know the feeling. After I had Hannah it was a long year of struggling and tears. Post partum was not kind to me. I am so glad you are feeling better and life on the ranch is fullfilling and joyous! Life really is beautiful!