Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Out of Control with this Hair Thing!!!

I must admit, I'm secretly so happy that I have a little girl and another one just 35 days away from being here! I love doing hair. I always have. Some of my best memories were sitting in front of the tv letting my sister do cool things to my hair, and practicing new hairdos on my dolls or My Little Ponies. I love hair!

Anyway, recently Reiny and I have been experimenting with some new hair-styles. She's getting much better about sitting still for me to try new things as long as I tell her she's going to have "princess hair" when we're done.

Here's some of my recent favorites!

This one took a little bit of time, but it lasted for 2 days, which was a bonus! The second day I pulled all her hair back into a ponytail, so it looked different.

This was fun! Reiny was really excited to try it too. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to sleep with the curlers in, but she did just fine. My mom used to do this to my hair when I was a little girl, but my hair never held the curl like Reiny's did! Eventually the curls did relax a bit and she looked more normal. I think next time I'll use the bigger curlers on her hair.

This last one I actually saw on a girl at a volleyball tournament I was at last week. It looked so cool that I just had to try it on Reiny. She really liked it too!

1 comment:

Taylor's said...

Those are darling!

I love it!