Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time to put the thoughts into words...

I need to post about Christmas and New Years...this I know, but since I left my camera upstairs in my dresser and my toddler is such a senstive napper, I really don't want to walk past her room to get it and chance her waking up (pathetic I know...all too well). So, rather that post a bunch of cool pictures and talking about the awesome things we've done, I'm going to take this time to put my thoughts into words regarding New Years Resolutions.

Here goes...Susan's 2010 Goals:

I have a lot this year. As some of you may know, 2008 was quite possibly the worst, most depressing year of my life. 2009 showed great improvement, thanks mostly to my drastic change in attitude. So, in effort to avoid a relapse into my 2008 self, I've been thinking a lot, and reading a lot, about ways to keep myself happy. I know a person has a greater chance of keeping resolutions if they are in writing where they can be seen frequently for motivation, so hopefully the same is true for typing...

Intellectual Goals:
~I want to finish reviewing algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and finally take, and pass, the math competency exam for teacher certification.
~I want to get my CDL (commercial drivers license)...yes folks, I want to drive the big-rigs with my husband when he needs my help. This goal sorta scares me to death, but hopefully with Jordan's help, I can feel more confident behind the wheel of our semi...
~I want to read 2 financial books a year. This one seems funny, but every year my father-in-law gives me books on financial literacy (perhaps he knows how truly illiterate I am on this subject), and I want to actually read at least 2 of these books every year, rather than stick them on the bookshelf in the basement. I know absolutely nothing about stocks, commodities, or trading...I rely solely upon Jordan to manage our stock portfolios, and it is time that changes. I need to be prepared for the emerging markets and hopefully this goal will help guide me.

Physical Goals:
~I want to be healthy, and look smokin' hot! I know that this one seems petty compared to some of my other goals, but everyone wants to improve on some part of their physical self, and I'm no different. I look in the mirror and see bat-flap arms, and thighs that rub in the middle (pleasant picture I know...). I'm sick of walking past the mirror as I climb in the shower and noticing a whole new plethora of cellulite bumps on my tushie. Time for a change...these next goals will help.
~Get up when Jordan leaves to teach seminary, rather than staying in bed 'til Reiny calls, and do my Pilates exercises for 20-30 min.
~Take a shower and get ready for the day before Reiny's up...this might be a challenge to do everyday, but at least do it on the days you exercise early.
~Take more time with yourself when you go out in public. Just because I spend most of my time around cows doesn't mean I have to look, smell, and dress like them too...
~Make a meal plan monthly. Hopefully, laying out a written plan for meals will help me stick to healthier eating habits.
PS If I looked like this when I'm done...that would be ok...

Spiritual Goal:
~Say your personal prayers every morning and night. Yup, and this is the only one I'm putting in this category. Someone once told me, that if I would commit to personal prayer twice daily, then all the other spiritual problems I'm facing would soon begin to disappear, so there you go...Just pray.

Business Goals:
~Write up a Business Plan for 2010 with Jordan. We need a map for where we want to go this year.
~Finish the paperwork to get our FIRC license for the hydroelectric powerplant. I want this done sooner rather than later, since practically everything we made last year was dumped into this idea, and without the FIRC license we will never see a return on our investment.
~Get the paperwork and red-tape done to finally separate all of our operations into LLCs. The cows need to be separate from the irrigation business, which needs to be separate from the powerplant, which needs to be separate from our personal assets. To truly feel financially secure, we need to brace for any legal liabilities we may incur in the future. Forming an LLC is the best way to do this.
~Send out bills monthly. Jordan and I need to sit down and bill for our labor every 3rd Sunday in order to not overlook things like we've done in the past.

Personal Goal:
~I want to be a bigger person. Jordan and I were talking the other night, and I came to the realization that I gather so much of my self-esteem by what I do for our business and the ranch. I'm good at what I do, go figure...I'm sure no one thought I would be when I first came here, but I've surprised everybody, mostly myself. In light of recent events, which I won't describe here, I need to be a bigger person and step back from these things I do so well, and let someone else try to learn them too. I love what I do here. I love all of my responsibilities. I love that I can be trusted with these responsibilities. Stepping back and letting someone else come in and essentially take over what I've learned to do in order to better themselves, will not be easy, but it's necessary. I must be a bigger person. This might not make sense to a lot of people that read this, if you actually made it this far, but that's ok...this is MY goal, and I know it's a necessary one for me.

Well, I'm sure I could list a hundred more goals I have, but I have to start somewhere, and these are the most important to me. I want to be happy. I want my family to see me be happy. I never want to return to "2008 Susan" ever again. I feel like I'm on the right path now and I just need to keep pushing ahead to help make 2010 and every coming year the best one of my life.


Jess said...

You inspire me to be more ambitious! Wow! I have some of the same goals this year so we can help each other along the way! you are an amazing woman-You will do many more great things in your life I'm sure of it! lol

Taylor's said...

Wow great goals - and I read your comment the other day - you could have seen me for New Years but you spent it with Dave so good of you; but it would have been nice to see you too!

Dan and Patrice said...

I LOVE your honesty. Great goals, but I don't get the physical already have a rock hard body! Really Susan, you are a beautiful women. And who are we kidding you will never have those boobs...haha! Love ya!

Allison said...

You inspire me too!! I long to be thin again and need to work on spritual goals as well this year. It's been a tough SEVERAL years for me and while I"m still kinda in my funk, I'm hoping to come out of it soon. Reading your goals helps me to make my own and like you said....WRITE THEM DOWN!!! LOL!!! I love you girl!! Thanks a bunch for the uplifting list of goals :)

Chase and Megan Whittaker said...

Wow those were great goals Susan! We have some of the same ones!! Let's get busy on our CDL :)
The last little part, was in regards to me,and I really hope you don't feel like I'm trying to take over :( I just want to learn and be able to help too, cause what else will I do? Ha, you and I both know its hard up here-at least at the beginning- without any family or friends! So I hope we can become close friends and enjoy working together!!! I admire your goals, you are a great woman!