Saturday, November 21, 2009

Goodbye Puppies!

Well, the time has come to say so long to Bella's puppies. They were a lot of fun for us all, especially Reiny, but 5 dogs can truly eat a person out of house and home! We gave Chase and Megan the largest male puppy as a wedding gift. They named him Rosco and he is actually a sweet little dog. I think they really enjoy him. The nice thing is, Reiny gets to see him frequently, so it doesn't really feel like he's gone to her. The other male puppy we gave to our friends Cory and Jess. They have 3 little girls that keep him busy and happy. Sadie, their oldest named him Fudge...for obvious reasons...he was the only brown one in the litter. When we went over to play the other day, it suddenly dawned on Reiny that Fudge was once her puppy. She kept saying "NO! My puppy!" when we had to leave and I wouldn't let her bring him back home. Kinda cute...but yet, caused a few tears. The bigger female went to a friend of Jess and Cory who lives in Idaho Falls. I'm not sure what they named her, but since they don't have kids, this puppy is being well loved! That makes me happy!

Finally, puppy number four still resides on the ranch with us! We have a potential home for her, but now Jordan thinks he wants to keep the puppy and give Bella away (she's recently taken to chasing the bulls through the yard fence!) In the meantime, Reiny has started calling the last puppy "Lucy," which actually sounds more like "woosie" coming from her. Jordan says it stands for "Lucifer" (since "Bella" is now short for "Bealzabub"). I hope Jordan can make up his mind soon on what he wants to do with this last puppy, cus it's gonna be a fight getting her from Reiny!

1 comment:

Chase and Megan Whittaker said...

We are so glad you shared your puppies with us :) Roscoe is so much fun to have around!