Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Ok...things have been a bit crazy around here with our family. That's a lot of the reason that I have not posted in a while. My mother-in-law had shoulder surgery, Reiny turned one and is WALKING (ahhhhh!!!!), Jordan landed a huge government job and has made 2 trips back to Nebraska in the last month, and I'm making my best effort at getting our year-end reports together for taxes.

Well, let's update...Reiny is one!!! She started walking on Dec. 2, 2008 by taking 3 steps from my friend Debbie to me at the church Christmas party. We had a party for her on Dec. 6th and my parents and sister's family all came up to help us celebrate. Jordan's parents and sister's family also came which made our little house rather tight, but cozy with company. Reiny's Uncle Chase was in Vegas during the party, but was sure to call and let us know what he got her...her first cowboy boots!!! They're so cute! She loves them and I think they're actually helping her walk better. She'll consistantly 7-10 steps before she falls down. It's so fun to watch her grow and learn new things, but sad to see my little girl changing so much. She now says 6 words: Mom, Dad, Dog, Bob, Tickle, and Duck (at least that's what we think she's saying). She also does the signs for "all done" and "more" which helps out a lot when I'm trying to feed her.

Speaking of feeding...I'm almost done nursing!!! The hope is she'll be weaned by this coming Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008. She loves whole milk and now peanut butter! She's up to 19 lbs 5 oz. and 28" long. That puts her in the 18% for height and 21% for weight. She's such a little girl!

Jordan's been excessively busy with work which is about par for the course. He landed this huge government job in Pashimeroi and is hoping to have most of that wrapped up before the end of the year. Also, he's got some interesting ideas on how to expand our business. We're hoping to have our cement plant set up by next spring and get started on our hydroelectric plant this winter. The ideas just keep on coming. I'm excited for the new year. I'm convinced that my new personal slogan is "I HATE 2008!!!" I don't know if it's just me or what, but things have just been so difficult this year (it might have a little to do with being a 1st time parent). In any case, I'm excited for the possibilities that 2009 presents.

Well, I think I'm done here come the onslaught of pictures!

1 comment:

Taylor's said...

The party was so fun! Thanks for inviting us!

And I can't believe she can have Peanut Butter that is crazy!

Way to go Jordan (and you) for making the company grow! Maybe we just might have to join the Two Dot Crew and move up there.

Sure do love you! And YES 2009 will be great! Reiny will be older, you will be a 2 year Mom, we will come and visit more, and the Lord will provide and bless you for family!

I love you more than words can express!