Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Branding 2008

Ok...so life on a ranch is always busy, and sometimes quite disgusting. We just finally finished branding our calves this weekend and I thought that I would share with you some of the excitement we call our life. These pictures are from a couple weeks ago when we did 1200 calves in 3 days! WARNING!!! These pictures are not for the weak-stomached folk. I know I'm not in any of these pictures, but trust me...I vaccinated all 1700 of these calves!

This is Jake castrating his first bull calf. This is normally Jordan's job, and yes...I do kiss him after he's done. The calves pictured here just got done being branded...don't they look thrilled!


Taylor's said...

I totally want to come and watch and maybe (and I will add emphasis to maybe) want to help next year!

The girls will be old enough that I could either have them come or leave them with Jeff!

You are one strong woman. Man am I glad I am YOUR sister!

Love you lots! And the blog . . . it looks AWESOME!

Two Dot Crew said...

I'm glad you like the blog...I'm slowly figuring things out. Branding is actually a lot of fun. I'm sure you would enjoy it.