Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eastern Idaho State Fair 2010

Every year we go to the state fair in Blackfoot, Idaho and enjoy the booths, displays, animals, and concerts. This year we made an extra effort to get there early enough to do it ALL!!! I think that was a bit of a mistake given how pregnant I was for this trip! My back and feet hurt so bad by the time we got done and I was a bit on the cranky-side, but at least Reiny had a good time, as usual.

This year she was finally big enough to ride some of the rides at the carnival. She went on the ferris wheel with her Daddy and the attendant lost track of how many times they'd gone around. They were on the ride for like 20 minutes! I thought they'd never get off! They also had this little boat ride where the kids get to "steer" the boat and ring a bell. She looked so serious on this ride, like the safety of this vessel depended solely upon her dilligence! Jordan and I got a good laugh from it!

That night we went the the Kenny Rogers concert...who knew that guy was even still alive! I knew exactly one of his songs, but surprisingly, had a good time! He's one funny old guy, and you gotta give it to a guy who can still snag a 30 year old in his 70s! Reiny and Wyatt called it quits pretty early into the concert and crashed on the benches. They were so cute laying there together that I had to get a picture! We drove the whole way home that night, which put us in at about 1 am, but at least we had some fun and made some memories. I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up! She does so much for herself these days, and is almost like a little adult. 3 years went by too fast!


Taylor's said...

She has got some cool shades going on! I love the photos!

So my dear what do you want or need for the newest addition? Call me and let me know!

Jess said...

Love the shades! We wish we could have gone, it sounds like it was a party!

Kim L said...

Love your little girl that I have never met, but she is yours so how could I not??? Love the oh so cool sunglasses and score with the ferris wheel. By now you probably have baby #2. Good luck and don't forget to post pictures!! Love ya!