Monday, January 11, 2010

Hair...It's a girl thing!!!

Reiny has hair! Well, she's had hair for a while, but everytime she reaches a new milestone with her hair I just have to stop and remember the months of baldy-baby comments I endured to get to this point!!!

Behold...the pig tails!!!

The last picture was taken at nursery...Reiny's Aunt Catherine made this awesome dress!


Allison said...

Boy if she's not a mini Susan! What a cutie!! I feel ya on the hair thing. Two of my four were baldies and one was semi bald. This last one has had a full head of hair since birth and TONS of curls too! Why couldn't he have been a girl? I want to do pig tails too!! LOL!! Oh well, I wasn't meant to have a girl so instead I'll just be grateful for the 4 boy I have :)

Joanne said...

Reiny is so pretty in her new dress. I marvel at the talent you and Catherine have. You certainly didn't get it from your mom.

Taylor's said...

Her hair is adorable! I want to just squeesh her cute cheeks and kiss the dimples!

She is georgeous - you should have another!

Chase and Megan Whittaker said...

That is such a cute dress! She looked adorable in it! And you always have her hair lookin SO cute!