Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hay Baby...

Reiny has been putting in her hours with the haying this year (just like the rest of us!). She's helped me bail, move the tractor to the other ranch, and stack hay. I thought that the sound of the tractor would put her to sleep, but I was WRONG! She was up until 11 pm the other night in the tractor bailing with me. She seems to really like it and wants to help stear, but doesn't always keep the tractor centered over the row of hay. Here's some pictures from haying...

Here's how one of the trips in the tractor went...



Taylor's said...

Unbelievable! What an angel you have! You are so blessed!

Can I say that your background to the blog is well, umm . . . . so dang cute!

Dan and Patrice said...

I love the picture of Reiny on the hay...it totally reminds me of the first time I came to the ranch! So many good memories. Remember the butt pictues of the boys! We are so lucky to have you guys in our lives...we love you!