Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Cute Ones of my Little Weed...

This is the most recent picture...I can't believe how strong this little girl is! She holds her head so well now and stands up all the time! I love it, but at the same time, I'm so sad with how fast she's growing up!

All smiles these days!!! If you smile at her, she'll smile back! I love squishy!!

I love pictures of my kids asleep with Daddy...there's something so sweet about a Daddy and his girls!

Pictures Speak Louder than Words 2

Here's a few more...

She fell asleep with her hands in the air...I thought it was adorable.

Yes...that's Ryann in Reiny's doll stroller...She loved being pushed around the house in this thing...and Reiny loved pushing her. It occupied most of the morning.

I curled Reiny's hair for church with a 3 barrel curling iron. I even burned her poor little ear with it, but she was a trooper! All for the sake of beauty...
I wish I'd have taken her picture before she changed out of her church clothes, but oh least Ryann was still dressed.

Just a cute picture.

Pictures Speak Louder than Words

I so need to update this blog!!!! We've been doing so much stuff lately and I need to document it, so rather than write a huge dialog, I'll just post the pictures!

I love bathtime now! It's so cute with both my girls in the tub together. Reiny always wants to help me wash Ryann, which sorta scares me, but oh well!

I love when my parents come to visit! Reiny loves when they come too. My Dad must have read 100 books to her this trip, and she would have had him read 100 more if he could have handled it! FYI: I don't have any pictures of my Mom from this trip cus she seems to think she's not photogenic (I would disagree)...I'll get her next time.

Awww...too cute!

Attempting to take nice pictures with my new camera posed more difficult than I originally anticipated...this one turned out ok.

This was the only nice face she made for any of the 100 pictures I took of her!! Little stinker!