Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eastern Idaho State Fair 2010

Every year we go to the state fair in Blackfoot, Idaho and enjoy the booths, displays, animals, and concerts. This year we made an extra effort to get there early enough to do it ALL!!! I think that was a bit of a mistake given how pregnant I was for this trip! My back and feet hurt so bad by the time we got done and I was a bit on the cranky-side, but at least Reiny had a good time, as usual.

This year she was finally big enough to ride some of the rides at the carnival. She went on the ferris wheel with her Daddy and the attendant lost track of how many times they'd gone around. They were on the ride for like 20 minutes! I thought they'd never get off! They also had this little boat ride where the kids get to "steer" the boat and ring a bell. She looked so serious on this ride, like the safety of this vessel depended solely upon her dilligence! Jordan and I got a good laugh from it!

That night we went the the Kenny Rogers concert...who knew that guy was even still alive! I knew exactly one of his songs, but surprisingly, had a good time! He's one funny old guy, and you gotta give it to a guy who can still snag a 30 year old in his 70s! Reiny and Wyatt called it quits pretty early into the concert and crashed on the benches. They were so cute laying there together that I had to get a picture! We drove the whole way home that night, which put us in at about 1 am, but at least we had some fun and made some memories. I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up! She does so much for herself these days, and is almost like a little adult. 3 years went by too fast!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Mexico Trip

Back in August, we made a trip to visit my parents in New Mexico. It's been almost 2 years since we'd been there, and I'd almost forgotten how much we love visiting New Mexico. We also chose to drive the whole 16 hours down there and back with Reiny! I was a bit worried about how she'd handle it, but she did awesome, so I can't really complain. It saved us a bunch of money over flying and we had a good time enjoying the ride down there. We stopped and visited Dave and Lauren and the kids the first night and then went to Durango, Colorado the second night. Reiny got to swim and ride her bike so that was a lot of fun. The trip home was long! We drove from my parents house all the way to Idaho Falls in one leg! Reiny did far better than I did!! In any case, we had an awesome time and loved loved loved visiting my parents. They really did cater to use. We went to the Santa Fe children's museum, the park, the Albequerque Zoo (for baby elephant, Daizy's, 1st b-day), rode the tram to the top of the mountain and had dinner at the restaurant there, and we went to Bandelier National Monument which Reiny just loved! On the way to New Mexico, we stopped at Hole In the Rock in Utah and went through the house carved into the mountain and the petting zoo. This trip was just so relaxing and fun. We also learned that Reiny can swim! She's always been too afraid to let go of us in the water to venture out on her own, but in Durango, she did it!!! I was amazed!!

Out of Control with this Hair Thing!!!

I must admit, I'm secretly so happy that I have a little girl and another one just 35 days away from being here! I love doing hair. I always have. Some of my best memories were sitting in front of the tv letting my sister do cool things to my hair, and practicing new hairdos on my dolls or My Little Ponies. I love hair!

Anyway, recently Reiny and I have been experimenting with some new hair-styles. She's getting much better about sitting still for me to try new things as long as I tell her she's going to have "princess hair" when we're done.

Here's some of my recent favorites!

This one took a little bit of time, but it lasted for 2 days, which was a bonus! The second day I pulled all her hair back into a ponytail, so it looked different.

This was fun! Reiny was really excited to try it too. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to sleep with the curlers in, but she did just fine. My mom used to do this to my hair when I was a little girl, but my hair never held the curl like Reiny's did! Eventually the curls did relax a bit and she looked more normal. I think next time I'll use the bigger curlers on her hair.

This last one I actually saw on a girl at a volleyball tournament I was at last week. It looked so cool that I just had to try it on Reiny. She really liked it too!