Monday, August 23, 2010

First Haircut

Back on June 27th I gave Reiny her 1st haircut EVER!!! I washed her hair, sat her on the counter with a bowl full of M&Ms, held my breath, and began cutting!!! I was so scared that I would make her hair so uneven, but came out pretty good!

It's been a couple months now and I swear her hair is thicker and healthier than it's ever looked!

Here's some before and after pictures.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Remembrance

Last weekend Jordan and I got to be involved in something very special regarding his family history, and until Aunt Pat sends us the pictures she took of the event, I thought I'd blog about some of the details while they are fresh in my mind.

Jordan's great-great grandfather, Rock Vizina was married to a young lady named Eliza Dishno. They had 3 children together, and unfortunately, just 2 days before Christmas in 1883, Eliza and the youngest of the children David (2 years old) were killed in an avalanche about 10 miles south of where Jordan and I live now. Rock was working in the mines at the time and the oldest two children were pushed out of the little log cabin by the snow and miraculously survived. Unfortunately, Eliza and David were buried inside. She was only 24 years old at the time. They were buried at the base of Spring Mountain, about 3 miles south of the town of
Gilmore, Idaho.

This last Saturday, relatives from every branch of Rock's line gathered from as far as Michigan to come and place a permanent headstone on the graves of Eliza and David. It was amazing to see this event. It was amazing to see the legacy that Rock left behind. All that remained of the original wooden headstones was...well, nothing but a wood plank. In the 1920s someone carved new headstones out of wood for the mother and son and placed them on the graves, but only David's was somewhat legible, and the date was actually incorrect.

Just for my own info...Rock remarried a young lady named Angela Navarro and they had 10 children together. Their 3rd child, Helen Josephine, was the mother of Rosemary Coleman, Jordan's grandmother, Jame's mother.

Family history can be so fun and interesting when you dive in and actually have some of the living relatives that can share stories from the time periods you are studying. Such a wonderful weekend.

Reiny had fun gathering wildflowers to place on the new marble cute!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Missing My "ME TIME"

Well, it's official...Reiny has given up her naps altogether! How is this possible? 3 weeks ago she was napping beautifully...not just beautifully, but beyond what was normal! I would feed her lunch, take her potty, then just lay her down in bed and walk out...BOOM...out like a light for 3 HOURS!!!

Now, for the last 3 weeks I have been desperately grasping at straws trying to get her to sleep for even just an hour during the day...NO DICE!!! She's done...bird-finger, Mom...I've got more important things to do (apparently that includes bouncing up and down on my bed and taking off all my clothes and throwing them out of the crib).

I guess I should be grateful that this most-difficult adjustment has come now as opposed to 3 1/2 months from now when I'm trying to deal with a newborn, but still...she's only 2 1/2 years old! My sister's 6 year old still takes naps during the day! Beyond that...I NEED NAPS DURING THE DAY!!!

So here's my plea...if any of you wise mothers have any suggestions for me that are more helpful than my husband's ("just get over it...she's not tired") then please let me know. I've tried having more activity in the mornings, less activity, book reading, less sugar intake...pretty much everything I can think of short of drugging her to sleep, which at this point seems like a viable option. If not...I'll learn to deal with my very active and emotional child's new schedule. With any luck, I won't need medicated for this!