Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scary Flashbacks...

I'm feeling a bit least that's what Jordan says about himself. Anytime Jordan is anything but positive and optimistic, I'm nervous and scared for the future. The truth is...I'm VERY scared for the future. The end of 2010 has had some striking resemblances to the end of 2007 and the start of the year from HELL, 2008. The list is continually growing, but here's a few of the more scary flashbacks: we were audited in Dec. 2007, one week after Reiny was born...I just got audited again Nov. 9th, 2010, a week before Ryann was born. We had a new baby in 2007...we just had our second baby. We lost a bid on a huge project at the end of 2007...we just lost a bid on an even BIGGER project on Monday of this week. Due to some unfortunate accounting, we showed a huge profit at the end of 2007 and ended up paying a substantial amount of money to the IRS in taxes in 2008; so much in fact, that we actually had to take out a loan to cover the taxes!!! getting around it, we made money this year...enough to pay a substantial amount to the IRS again in taxes.

The list continues to grow...which only scares me further. I know that the reason 2008 sucked so bad dealt almost entirely with the way I chose to deal with these unfortunate and difficult situations, but what's to keep me from doing it again. That year was so horrible that even the thought of living another day of it seemed unbearable to me. I just don't think I could make it through another year like that. Not with all I have to do now.

I've been a bit preoccupied lately, what with the newborn up all night and all...but the last 2 days, as I've sat and pondered (freaked out, really) over the similarities of the end of this year and 2007, I've made a commitment to get up, get my day started, and accomplish all I can in that day. Yesterday was stressful, but I did get a lot done. Today was less stressful and I accomplished some tasks, but is that really enough?

I hate relying on other people, and I'm not very good at taking criticism...yes, I can openly admit that now. How do I get past these imperfections in myself so that I can be better in 2011 than I was in 2008? I'm scared. I'm scared to talk to Jordan about these fears. I'm scared to post this where people can read it...I'd much rather post cute pictures of my girls or stories about how funny and lovable they are, so that people don't see all my insecurities. If I do decide to post this entry, I guess it's my way of asking for help. Please help me. What advice do you have to get through this next year?

It's been a few weeks now, and my concerns are only growing...I think it's time to post this...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ryann Eliza

Born: Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 3:03 pm
Weight: 7 lbs
Height: 20"

Well, she's here!! We had a doctor's appointment on the 12th and my blood pressure was up a little bit and I had lost more weight, so my doctor sent us to do a non-stress test at the hospital. The tests came back fine, but my doctor still thought we needed to get the baby delivered, so he sent me in to the hospital on Sunday to be induced. I wasn't crazy about this since I kinda wanted to go into labor on my own, but if he thought it was time, then I wasn't going to argue.

We got to the hospital at 7:30 am on Sunday and by 8 am they started me on antibiotics since I was Beta Strep positive. Then around 9:30 am they started the pitocin to induce labor. Just as I remembered, labor is painful!!! I did much better this time with not yelling at Jordan and telling him how bad he sucked for doing this to me, but then at about 11:30-12:00 pm the pain got to be a little too much and I got an epidural. Thank heavens for modern medicine!!!

My doctor checked me at 11 am and I was only dialated to a 3, so he said he was going to go home for some lunch and then be back. At around 2:30pm he came back and said "Well, let's see if you made any progress." He checked me real fast and then said "Ok...I better hurry and change cus this baby's coming now!" I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time cus like 2 minutes before he came in to check me I almost said to Jordan "it feels like I should push," but then I thought that I was being crazy. Turns out I wasn't!

The doctor got back and I pushed through 3 contractions and pop! out she came! She was perfect and doing so well that she got to stay in the delivery room with us for over an hour before they took her to get washed. I cried. Jordan cried. It was the most amazing delivery ever!

She's absolutely beautiful, and as soon as I get my pictures back from Mary Kim Photography, I'll post some more pictures.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eastern Idaho State Fair 2010

Every year we go to the state fair in Blackfoot, Idaho and enjoy the booths, displays, animals, and concerts. This year we made an extra effort to get there early enough to do it ALL!!! I think that was a bit of a mistake given how pregnant I was for this trip! My back and feet hurt so bad by the time we got done and I was a bit on the cranky-side, but at least Reiny had a good time, as usual.

This year she was finally big enough to ride some of the rides at the carnival. She went on the ferris wheel with her Daddy and the attendant lost track of how many times they'd gone around. They were on the ride for like 20 minutes! I thought they'd never get off! They also had this little boat ride where the kids get to "steer" the boat and ring a bell. She looked so serious on this ride, like the safety of this vessel depended solely upon her dilligence! Jordan and I got a good laugh from it!

That night we went the the Kenny Rogers concert...who knew that guy was even still alive! I knew exactly one of his songs, but surprisingly, had a good time! He's one funny old guy, and you gotta give it to a guy who can still snag a 30 year old in his 70s! Reiny and Wyatt called it quits pretty early into the concert and crashed on the benches. They were so cute laying there together that I had to get a picture! We drove the whole way home that night, which put us in at about 1 am, but at least we had some fun and made some memories. I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up! She does so much for herself these days, and is almost like a little adult. 3 years went by too fast!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Mexico Trip

Back in August, we made a trip to visit my parents in New Mexico. It's been almost 2 years since we'd been there, and I'd almost forgotten how much we love visiting New Mexico. We also chose to drive the whole 16 hours down there and back with Reiny! I was a bit worried about how she'd handle it, but she did awesome, so I can't really complain. It saved us a bunch of money over flying and we had a good time enjoying the ride down there. We stopped and visited Dave and Lauren and the kids the first night and then went to Durango, Colorado the second night. Reiny got to swim and ride her bike so that was a lot of fun. The trip home was long! We drove from my parents house all the way to Idaho Falls in one leg! Reiny did far better than I did!! In any case, we had an awesome time and loved loved loved visiting my parents. They really did cater to use. We went to the Santa Fe children's museum, the park, the Albequerque Zoo (for baby elephant, Daizy's, 1st b-day), rode the tram to the top of the mountain and had dinner at the restaurant there, and we went to Bandelier National Monument which Reiny just loved! On the way to New Mexico, we stopped at Hole In the Rock in Utah and went through the house carved into the mountain and the petting zoo. This trip was just so relaxing and fun. We also learned that Reiny can swim! She's always been too afraid to let go of us in the water to venture out on her own, but in Durango, she did it!!! I was amazed!!

Out of Control with this Hair Thing!!!

I must admit, I'm secretly so happy that I have a little girl and another one just 35 days away from being here! I love doing hair. I always have. Some of my best memories were sitting in front of the tv letting my sister do cool things to my hair, and practicing new hairdos on my dolls or My Little Ponies. I love hair!

Anyway, recently Reiny and I have been experimenting with some new hair-styles. She's getting much better about sitting still for me to try new things as long as I tell her she's going to have "princess hair" when we're done.

Here's some of my recent favorites!

This one took a little bit of time, but it lasted for 2 days, which was a bonus! The second day I pulled all her hair back into a ponytail, so it looked different.

This was fun! Reiny was really excited to try it too. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to sleep with the curlers in, but she did just fine. My mom used to do this to my hair when I was a little girl, but my hair never held the curl like Reiny's did! Eventually the curls did relax a bit and she looked more normal. I think next time I'll use the bigger curlers on her hair.

This last one I actually saw on a girl at a volleyball tournament I was at last week. It looked so cool that I just had to try it on Reiny. She really liked it too!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Haircut

Back on June 27th I gave Reiny her 1st haircut EVER!!! I washed her hair, sat her on the counter with a bowl full of M&Ms, held my breath, and began cutting!!! I was so scared that I would make her hair so uneven, but came out pretty good!

It's been a couple months now and I swear her hair is thicker and healthier than it's ever looked!

Here's some before and after pictures.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Remembrance

Last weekend Jordan and I got to be involved in something very special regarding his family history, and until Aunt Pat sends us the pictures she took of the event, I thought I'd blog about some of the details while they are fresh in my mind.

Jordan's great-great grandfather, Rock Vizina was married to a young lady named Eliza Dishno. They had 3 children together, and unfortunately, just 2 days before Christmas in 1883, Eliza and the youngest of the children David (2 years old) were killed in an avalanche about 10 miles south of where Jordan and I live now. Rock was working in the mines at the time and the oldest two children were pushed out of the little log cabin by the snow and miraculously survived. Unfortunately, Eliza and David were buried inside. She was only 24 years old at the time. They were buried at the base of Spring Mountain, about 3 miles south of the town of
Gilmore, Idaho.

This last Saturday, relatives from every branch of Rock's line gathered from as far as Michigan to come and place a permanent headstone on the graves of Eliza and David. It was amazing to see this event. It was amazing to see the legacy that Rock left behind. All that remained of the original wooden headstones was...well, nothing but a wood plank. In the 1920s someone carved new headstones out of wood for the mother and son and placed them on the graves, but only David's was somewhat legible, and the date was actually incorrect.

Just for my own info...Rock remarried a young lady named Angela Navarro and they had 10 children together. Their 3rd child, Helen Josephine, was the mother of Rosemary Coleman, Jordan's grandmother, Jame's mother.

Family history can be so fun and interesting when you dive in and actually have some of the living relatives that can share stories from the time periods you are studying. Such a wonderful weekend.

Reiny had fun gathering wildflowers to place on the new marble cute!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Missing My "ME TIME"

Well, it's official...Reiny has given up her naps altogether! How is this possible? 3 weeks ago she was napping beautifully...not just beautifully, but beyond what was normal! I would feed her lunch, take her potty, then just lay her down in bed and walk out...BOOM...out like a light for 3 HOURS!!!

Now, for the last 3 weeks I have been desperately grasping at straws trying to get her to sleep for even just an hour during the day...NO DICE!!! She's done...bird-finger, Mom...I've got more important things to do (apparently that includes bouncing up and down on my bed and taking off all my clothes and throwing them out of the crib).

I guess I should be grateful that this most-difficult adjustment has come now as opposed to 3 1/2 months from now when I'm trying to deal with a newborn, but still...she's only 2 1/2 years old! My sister's 6 year old still takes naps during the day! Beyond that...I NEED NAPS DURING THE DAY!!!

So here's my plea...if any of you wise mothers have any suggestions for me that are more helpful than my husband's ("just get over it...she's not tired") then please let me know. I've tried having more activity in the mornings, less activity, book reading, less sugar intake...pretty much everything I can think of short of drugging her to sleep, which at this point seems like a viable option. If not...I'll learn to deal with my very active and emotional child's new schedule. With any luck, I won't need medicated for this!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How...just HOW...

am I supposed to do this?

Today is not the best day. Perhaps blogging with the hope that someone will have some words of inspiration will be enough to pull me out of my fits of sobs and on to happier things.

How am I supposed to be a wife, mother, and business partner? The roles I'm forced to take on sometimes makes me feel like I'm not doing any of them justice.

As a wife, I rarely have a suitable lunch or dinner prepared for my family. The house is neat and tidy, but the dust and carpet stains keep thickening.

As a mother, I typically spend most of my time in "survival mode" just making sure Reiny's basic needs are met. Is she fed, is she clean (no...well that can wait 'til tomorrow)? I'm not the fun mom that arranges cool summer projects and fun and educational learning activities for my 2 1/2 year old. I'm lucky if bedtime routine starts early enough that we can actually read a few books together.

As a business partner, I spend most of my time in the office now, arranging shipments, ordering parts, filing monthly and quarterly and even yearly taxes, juggling the finances when the amount of incoming bills outnumber the amount of customers who feel it necessary to pay by the deadline. I'm not out in the field anymore...working where I love to work. I won't be bailing hay this summer, because I'm a mom and someone needs to stay with the child while she sleeps. I'm the one on the phone arguing with the shipping people about the fact that my parts were supposed to be here last week and they're still not here!

Meanwhile, my daughter is at my feet sobbing because she just wants mommy to play dolls or dress-up or even just hold her for one second. My husband comes in the door at the end of the day, exhausted and disgusted with how his day went, and looking around there's no indication that I've managed to accomplish anything with my day...dinner's not fixed, the shipment's still not here, and his daughter's not been bathed in a week.

Now here I am, 5 months into my 2nd pregnancy just picturing what this time next year will bring...even less time with my husband as he attempts to pick up the slack for his wife who, believe it or not, is not super woman, a 3 1/2 year old who just wants Mommy to play dress up, and an 8 month old crying because she hasn't had her diaper changed in a month. I still won't be the best wife, mother, or business partner I could be because that's too many roles to fill well.

Where do I let go? I can't stop being a mom or wife, and if I quit helping with the business then Jordan will certainly find himself in jail because there's no way he has any idea the amount of paperwork it takes each month to keep him legal.

I need a miracle...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's nothin but Pink out there!

Last Thursday Jordan and I went to the big doctor's appointment! We had the ultrasound and found out that yes, we are indeed having another girl!! I must admit, I'm relieved! Thoughts of "I know girls, I can do this" fill my head. I know Jordan's a bit disappointed and worries that we may never get a little boy, but this just solidifies in my mind that baby girl #2 probably won't be our last now! Heavenly Father has a very sly way of insuring parents don't give up once they've had one of each gender. I was certain that if this was a boy we were DONE, but now...I feel we need to try at least one more time for that little boy...things work out how they should!

In any case, I'm excited for girl #2 (whom I like to joke will be named "Stormy" since we already have a "Reiny"). At least I won't need to buy anything new besides diapers!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Photography Sessions

Please don't miss this! My sister-in-law will be in Leadore for 2 weeks and is an outstanding photographer! She's doing sessions here at such reasonable prices...please take an opportunity to update your family photos or have your senior pictures done! She'll travel to whatever location you want! Thanks!!!

Click on the picture above to read the information!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Real Meaning behind "Because I Said So!"

I had a real Mommy "ahh ha" moment today. Do you realize how often we tell our kids to do or not do something without explaining ourselves? Most of the time the underlying reason involves eminent danger or hurt feelings or even just to save time later. For instance, "Clean up your room!", "But why, Mommy?" Rather than explain ourselves we say "because I said so" when in actuality there is usually a better explanation such as "because the dog is in the house and if she sees that room full of toys your new babydoll will look like a World War II victim. Then you'll be crying and upset and nothing I say or do will ever put the arms and legs back on that doll." It takes too long to explain ourselves in this way, so instead we say "because I said so." However, to a child, that has no real meaning. "So what? Just because you said so? That's just plain rediculous...if mommy can't come up with a better reason than that...I'll just do it anyway." I imagine that's how Reiny felt today when she deliberately disobeyed an important instruction I gave her.

Here's the story: Reiny wanted to play outside this evening. Fine. Please put on some socks and shoes. Nope. Ok, not going to fight you on this...just stay on the patio. She played well on the patio for a while and then of course, I had to go in to use the bathroom. Before I left I said, "Stay on the patio! Don't go anywhere else!" To which Reiny replied "Why?" In my hurry to make it to the bathroom before wetting myself I said "Because I said so!" Had I made my realization earlier, perhaps I could have saved her from what happened next. While in the bathroom, Reiny wandered off after the cat...down through the driveway (which is all rock and no cement), around the garage, and into the back field behind the garage. Low and behold, waiting for her there was a nice, big bush of stinging nettle, and yes...she was still barefoot! I came back out just in time to hear her hair-raising shrieks of pain! I run to the back of the garage and scoop her up. We head into the house and I frantically search for a remedy for stinging nettle on the internet. I make the suggested paste out of baking soda and water and cover her injured foot in the goop. We wrap it with Saran wrap and wait for the stinging to disapate.

Well, perhaps if I had actually explained myself a little better to begin with by answering her "why" with "because there are sharp rocks and sticks as well and ouchy bushes out there that could really hurt you and I would hate for you to have to stop playing to sit on the counter for an hour with your foot wrapped in goop, while you cried your eyes out" she would have stayed on the patio. Instead we got this:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's time to catch up...again!

I do so well writing on this blog for like 2 weeks, and then...the task of uploading photos seems so daunting I procrastinate until the task really IS overwhelming. It's time...I guess! Ok...where to start? We're done with calving! Yay! Everything went really well too. It was so nice having Chase and Megan there everyday. They are the real champions this season, because when things started to slow down at the end and Jordan and I needed to focus on our business and the quickly approaching irrigation season, Chase and Megan stayed strong watching the cows and doing the work by themselves. We owe them a lot! The weather this Spring is surprisingly wet, considering our mild Winter. We had rain for about 3 weeks straight, then a break of sunshine for 2 days, then the rain returned. Right now as I'm writing this I'm listening to the most magnificent downpour pounding on my tin roof. It's so so lovely. Most people get depressed by rain. I'm the opposite. Rain means wet ground and crops which means people are less inclined to call at 2 am when their pivots shut off and they can't figure out why (unless your my father-in-law...all the rain in the world wouldn't calm that man's nerves this time of year!) In any case, the fields are green, and I get the joy of listening to the rain on my roof. However, dispite the rain, Jordan's still been pretty busy this Spring. As soon as he finishes one job and says "well, it looks like we're out of work for a while" the phone rings and something else comes up! I can't complain. The work is needed...desperately needed! With all the investments we've been making in the powerplant, our savings has hit an all-time low! So, rather than be ungrateful and disappointed that I don't see Jordan much anymore, I'll thank the Lord for the blessings of work. Well, next topic. If you haven't guessed from the pregnancy counter at the top of this blog, I'm pregnant again. We're due November 16th and in about a week we get to find out the sex (hopefully!). I'd been feeling pretty crappy for the first 16 weeks and then the pukiness started to subside. However, my doctor put me on antibiotics for a bladder infection I didn't know I had, and I went right back to the pukiness. I'm off the pills now, but to top everything I think I have the flu! I just can't remember what it's like to feel normal...this may be our last as a result of all this! The thought of having a second kid scares me to death! I don't know what the difference is, but with Reiny I was just so excited to become a mommy, and with this one I just feel overwhelmed. It makes me feel bad for this little baby. Every new milestone I hit just reminds me we're getting closer to the due date and then I just get scared. The baby started kicking on June 2nd (my mom's b-day). I feel it almost everyday now. You would think that would excite me, but I just keep thinking...holy crap...I'm gonna have a newborn in 5 months! Oh well, maybe things will change after I see the ultrasound...I'm just praying everything looks normal! Easter here was cold! We got snow for like the first time all winter so Reiny got to hunt eggs in the snow. She didn't seem to care very much as long as she got candy. She's too polite for an easter egg hunt, so before next year I'm going to teach her to push and scream "If you know what's good for you, you'll give me that egg!" Our friend Quin came up to visit and helped us color eggs. The poop-colored one was his contribution! Oh, and just a word to the wise...don't get the egg-dye kit that has glitter! Such a huge mistake! Jordan says that should have been obvious to me! He says picking an egg-dye kit with glitter is like saying "yes, I'd like the stripper with the glitter, cus I want to go home looking like I'm covered in fairy-dust...the wife won't question that at all!!" Sometimes his humor makes you question his faithfulness! (not really!) Reiny and I just got back from visiting my mom and sister in Salt Lake City. We both had an amazing time. We went to the aquarium and saw the new penguin exhibit and the zoo to see the baby elephant. We also went swimming and had dinner at the Mayan Restaurant where we got to watch a diving show! One of the male divers thought Reiny was just the cutest little girl and came over to give her a high-five! We also took Reiny bowling for the very first time, and she won! She bowled a 96 with 2 spares! It was so funny. At one point, she got her finger mashed by her ball and the next ball coming out of the return. She was sobbing, but didn't want to give up her turn so she carried her ball over to the ball ramp, set it on, and pushed it off. All the while, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. She watched her ball go down the alley and hit the pins and she turned, jumped up and down, clapped her hands and sobbed...all at the same time! It was just too hilarious!

Well, that about sums things up for us. I'll try to remember that I can blog without adding pictures and maybe I'll be a bit more diligent in keeping things updated. Maybe I'll even manage to get Jordan to write something on here...yeah right!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Calving Season 2010

Well, I'm finally getting a moment to catch my breath and write about our busy month. We've been calving for about 21 days and have just over 1200 calves on the ground. We've enjoyed such good fortune this year with calving. 3 weeks in and we're already close to 3/4 done, and beyond that...we're at 100% calf crop!!! That's not to say we haven't lost a few...but we've had 17 sets of twins already!!! Anyone who's lost a calf has adopted one of our twins. We still have 9 or 10 cows raising two calves. This is simply unheard of! Our busiest day we calved out 52 cows during the day and 41 at night making it 93 in a 24 hour period. That's a lot of babies!

Reiny really enjoys helping at the barns. Everytime she comes with us she screams "Bye Grandma, I'm going to help the baby cows!!" It's really so darn cute! I love when the weather's good enough for her to come with us. She's so funny in the barns. The other day she was helping me clean a stall that had a calf in it and she went and pet him. After a minute she said "Mommy, he's cold." I told her to help warm him up by placing straw around him. I left her to the task and went on cleaning pens. When I came back, she had that calf COMPLETELY covered in straw. I said "Reiny, where's the baby?" and she said "Right dhere, Mommy" pointing to the pile of straw. I couldn't stop laughing and had everyone come take a look at Reiny's hard work!

It's been exhausting, especially since I've had to go home and take care of our 9 baby lambs we've adopted after working all day long, but nevertheless, it's rewarding. I know Reiny's having the time of her life, and that really makes it all worth it!

As a side note, Megan (Chase's wife) has been helping us this year and I can't say enough about how awesome she is! Honestly, I'm amazed at how well she's picked everything up! She so fast and it seems like she never gets tired! I'm amazed and I attribute a lot of our good fortune to her being here this year. I'm so excited to have her with us now. I really look forward to the years to come.

Here's some recent pictures from the barns...I'm post more when I can.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When the Cows Come Home...

Yes,'s that time of year again. Last Friday we all came together and drove the cows the 16 miles home to the ranch headquarters, which can only mean one thing! CALVING SEASON!!! Jordan, James, and I stayed back at the ranch to sort and vaccinate the 2nd and 3rd calvers while Chase, Megan, April, Brian, Gracie, Natalie, and their friends Casey and Flora (as well as Olivia and Abby) all started the rest of the herd home from my house. Reiny, Jordan, and I went out and met them when they were about 6 miles from home and Reiny and I rode Reggie (the horse) the rest of the way home. Reiny looked so cute up there and was having a ball! She got tired by the time we made it back to the ranch and had all but fallen asleep on the horse in my arms.

It looked like quite a circus with all those little kids on horseback, but they seemed to handle things quite well. Gracie has great balance on a horse, and Natalie rode all by herself for the first time on a horse she's named "Snow" (can you guess what color he is?). We made it home...ate ourselves silly on "gut-buster chili," and watched the openning ceremonies for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

The next day, we all took turns sorting the rest of the cows (about 1200!!!) and then vaccinated all the "heavy" ones. "Heavy" refers to the ones that are closest to's a good thing Jordan never used that term with me when I was expecting! April and I got COVERED in cow crap, but it was still a lot of fun...if you can believe that! I always like when April and Brian come for a visit...they are such a breath of fresh air.

Saturday night, Chase, Megan, Jordan, and I went to Salmon for dinner and a movie. The dinner was delicious and the movie probably the best one I've seen in years! We went and saw The Blind Side. That was such an awesome movie and I wish I had the nerves of steel like Sandra Bullock's character did!

Anyway, here's some pictures of the cows we moved home from about 40' in the air. Jordan lifted Brian up on our loader and he took some pictures for me. The only cows missing in this picture are the 2nd and 3rd calvers (about 450) since they were already sorted and vaccinated. Still quite an impressive herd...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's true what they say...

There's no place like home!!! Oh how I just love really is starting to feel like my 2nd home. I know where everything is, where to find the best deals, and even the best places to eat. We had such an amazing time on the island. This trip was definitely not as stress-free as last year's trip, but I'm sure the 6 hour plane trip with the 2 year old had something to do with that.

Reiny LOVED the ocean!!! She was not even the least bit afraid of the waves or sand. One day the weather called for high-surf on the western shore, so we drove over there to see what their definition of high-surf was...oh, holy crap!!! Those waves were HUGE!!! (that's what she said :) ) There were locals on the beach with their surfboards saying " way am I going in today!" I look over and there's Reiny making a bee-line for the water! Needless to say...she LOVED IT!!!

We also took a train ride through an old sugar plantation, fed some wild pigs (and goats), went kayaking on the Wailua River up to Secret Falls, took a catamaran boat trip around the Na Pali coast to see whales and dolphins, went to Luau Kalamaku, and still found time to relax by the ocean and watch Reiny bury Daddy in the sand.

We also went snorkeling with sea turtles and Reiny would lay on her boogie-board with a "peep hole" into the water and watch the fish swim underneath her. She loved the brightly colored ones!

The whole trip was just awesome, and everywhere we went the people kept saying they couldn't believe how well-behaved Reiny was! I thought so too!! When we took our boat trip, the crew was so worried that she was going to be seasick that they stuck us in the back of the boat. Reiny had about enough of that and ran to the front, held on to the railing and was squeeling at the top of her lungs "wook at me! wook at me!!! wook mommy a doffin!" There were grown men spewing there guts out off the back and there's my 2 year old trying to jump in to catch the dolphins!!! It was amazing!

We went to a luau and Reiny just watched in total amazement! During the dinner portion, Reiny went up on stage and started shaking her hips. Everyone started to laugh and some people were actually taking pictures of her!! AHH...she'll probably be the next star on YouTube!

We had such a great time as a family and I even got to do a little shopping this time before we took off, much to Jordan's dismay :) Reiny slept the whole flight home and picked up her usually schedule like she'd never missed a beat!

Now we're home and potty training!! Reiny's doing awesome. I was ready to quit half way into the first day, and started crying when she wet her 5th pair of panties. Reiny said "Mommy, are you sad?" and I said, "yes, Reiny, I just want you to pee in the potty." She said, ok, and went in the bathroom and peed in the potty!!! After that she didn't have anymore accidents that day. On Sunday she only had two accidents, one as they were saying the closing prayer in Sacrament. She said I have to pee and I ran her to the bathroom, but we didn't make it in time. then during the Super Bowl we all got distracted and forgot to take her when she asked...opps! In any case, she's doing awesome with that too and today (cross my fingers) no accidents yet!!! Yay!! Wish us luck...we might be getting somewhere!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Reiny...where are you???

So the other day I was busy doing something in the bedroom (probably folding the massive amounts of laundry) and Reiny disappeared on me. I searched everywhere calling her name and reply. As I was standing in the kitchen, I notice a cabinet door open just a crack that I don't use very often. I listened carefully and could hear what sounded to be candy wrappers being removed. I openned the door and low and behold, Reiny had found where I stuffed her leftover Halloween candy. Pretty cute...she even offered me some!

PS Please disregard the shaggy-looking hair...her hairstylist was on strike that day!

Hair...It's a girl thing!!!

Reiny has hair! Well, she's had hair for a while, but everytime she reaches a new milestone with her hair I just have to stop and remember the months of baldy-baby comments I endured to get to this point!!!

Behold...the pig tails!!!

The last picture was taken at nursery...Reiny's Aunt Catherine made this awesome dress!