Well, Bella, my sweet, kind-hearted, yet slutty, Corgi has had her puppies! After weeks of waiting and wondering, they are finally here. Not without some difficulty, though...she's been a little "late" in having this litter, and I was getting worried. I called the vet Monday and made an appointment to bring her in Wed. Well, on Wed morning, she still was not acting as if labor and delivery was on the menu for her so I rescheduled for today, Thursday. She woke up this morning whining and clawing at the carpet. When she started panting uncontrollably I figured she was in labor. I called the vet and asked if I should bring her in anyway and she said it wouldn't hurt to check her out. We get to the vet and she says that yes, indeed, she is in labor and suggested I leave her for observation. Since we live an hour away I thought that would be best so if there was a problem, she was there. Well, problems did in fact arise! She started pushing and pushed and pushed without stopping for almost 2 hours. After no puppies made their grand entry the vet did an exam and decided she should have a c-section. We now have 4 very healthy, chubby, and EXPENSIVE puppies. Since Bella is a Corgi and the father is a blue heeler, I've decided to name the breed "Blue Corgers."
Trying to kill 2 birds with one stone, I called and asked if the vet had spayed Bella while she was at it...YIPPIE, she had to spay her. Apparently all the pushing had ruptured poor Bella's uteran horn and a full hysterectomy was the only way to save her from hemoraging. I'm glad the vet decided to do the c-section, cus Bella would have bled to death if she hadn't and now...no more unexpected puppies.
However, for the time being, we now have 2 boy puppies and 2 girl puppies to watch and care for...not to mention listen to all night as they cry!
Here's our new "grandchildren" and Reiny's "nieces and nephews!!!"