Friday, May 23, 2008

On the Job

Reiny has had to just pick up and adapt to our lifestyle if she wants to survive in this family. When the weather is relatively nice, we take her out on the jobsites with us. A few weeks ago we were in Dillon, MT working on a pivot, and she came to help. She and I ran the loader while Jordan worked on the overhang. Reiny soon got tired and needed a nap, so she slept under the bed of the semi. I took some pictures because I thought it was so cute! The white flat thing above her is the flatbed from the semi.

Teething...or Toothing?

My baby has her first tooth!!! The other day Jordan said "I think I feel something poking up through her gums." I said that weeks ago, but whatever it was seemed to go away. Yesturday, I was rubbing her gums and felt something sharp! I looked in there and the littlest tooth was just starting to poke through the gum line! I can't believe she has a tooth already...she's not even 6 months! Hopefully this teething thing won't be as bad as everyone tells me it is!

Walter in the Water

For some reason Walter really hates getting a bath. As a result, we always have a very stinky and dirty puppy. Just the other day, I found out that although he hates baths, he LOVES the that has become his new bath! Here's the funny video I took.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"The Astronaut"

Jordan likes to play a game with Reiny called "The Astronaut." He holds her on the floor and then counts down...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!!! Then he throws her in the air. She thinks it is so much fun, so I got a video of it to share.

Little Motorboat!

Reiny has been making this funny face where she scrunches up her nose and snorts a bunch. I tried to tape her doing it, and just missed...but I did get to tape her doing her "motorboat" routine.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Reiny and Cousins

The other day Marijill had to sub in at the school and Paula wasn't available to watch the boys, so Reiny and I offered to help. I learned that Wyatt can crawl now, especially towards his younger and much smaller cousin, Reiny. After that, RJ and I decided she should wear a helmet when she's around Wyatt. Here's what we came up with...

She Thinks the Tractor's Sexy!

Well, although Jordan is thrilled to have a little girl, I think a part of him really hoped for a boy. Whenever he gets to dress Reiny she always comes out wearing John Deere apparel. Here's a few pictures.

Swimming with Daddy

The other day Reiny and I went with Jordan to help him finish a project in Montana. Things didn't go as well as we would we stayed over night in a hotel. Reiny got to go swimming with daddy. She was having a great time until some other kids showed up and were a little to "splashy." Thought you'd enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reiny's Growing Up!

My baby is now eating solid foods! I can't believe that she is 5 months old already. Here's a video of her first attempt at eating food.

Snow...Snow...and MORE SNOW!

Just thought I'd share some pictures of what my road has looked like for most of this year. These pictures are from April 11, 2008. This last picture is the snow drift over my yard fence.

Branding 2008 life on a ranch is always busy, and sometimes quite disgusting. We just finally finished branding our calves this weekend and I thought that I would share with you some of the excitement we call our life. These pictures are from a couple weeks ago when we did 1200 calves in 3 days! WARNING!!! These pictures are not for the weak-stomached folk. I know I'm not in any of these pictures, but trust me...I vaccinated all 1700 of these calves!

This is Jake castrating his first bull calf. This is normally Jordan's job, and yes...I do kiss him after he's done. The calves pictured here just got done being branded...don't they look thrilled!