Friday, August 28, 2009

Chase's Wedding, ETC...

Well folks, I'm afraid this might be another somber posting (despite the connotations in the title). I just got done working for the know, the kind of working that seems like it will be exciting and fun and ends up being one of those times you wished your alarm clock didn't go off after all. We preg tested 500 cows today, vaccinated all of them, tagged all 500 of their babies with the new electronic tags the cattle buyers are requiring, vaccinated all of those kiddos, and tattooed the heifer calves' ears for the BANGS vaccine. Jordan and Dad started sorting at 6:30am and then we started pregging at about 8:30 am. We ate lunch at 12:30 pm and then started in on the calves. By the time we got them all done, sorted to where they needed to go and driven back to the field, it was 8 pm. Yay, time to go home, put the baby in bed (late, again...), shower, and go to bed! WRONG! Of course, Jordan gets a call saying he is desperately needed to go and fix a pivot in Pashimeroi, 2 hours away, so instead of a restful night, I get to sit up waiting for him to arrive home in safety. What better way to fill the time then to blog about your discouraging day.

I don't think I'd be so upset if this day hadn't come directly following the day I helped install mainline for our powerplant. I got my butt kicked yesturday trying to help with the mainline job. I first laid out bundles of pipe with the loader then I got to hook it all on to the boom truck to be set into the trench. I got clobbered by a 22' stick of 18" 80 PSI pipe and now have a big bruise on my elbow! I tell you what, this powerplant better generate some serious cha-ching to make yesturday worth it for me!

In any case, I should take some time to post about Chase's wedding in St. George, Utah. All I can say is...WHO IN THE HELL GETS MARRIED IN ST. GEORGE IN AUGUST?!?!?! It was so dang hot!!! We all looked like the albinos from Idaho, melting in the heat! You would think that area would be equipped with air conditioning, but nope, wrong!!! Everywhere we went we were dying of heat! The 8 hour trip with the toddler went exactly as one would expect, miserable. All I can say is, I'm glad that's over, and yes...I believe in flying!!!

Boy, I do sound rather negative. The wedding itself was beautiful. Megan looked just as any bride should, gorgeous. Chase looked like any Mormon groom should...ummm, excited? Yeah, that's probably the most appropriate word. I'm sorry though, I had a really difficult time with this wedding. I guess I miss being the bride. I miss the anticipation of the wedding night. I miss the romance and intimacy you feel for the very first time. I'm jealous. There's no other way of putting it. When the wedding was all done, I got to drive home with a screaming toddler and they flew off to Mexico, all expense paid, for a romantic honeymoon. I came home to cows and mainline work and they were laying on the beach. I'm jealous, I'm jealous, I'M JEALOUS!!! I tried to talk to Jordan about this, but he just says that he's more excited about where we are now in our lives. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy too, but I just miss the carefree days before children. I love Reiny. I love her so much, and everyday she does something else more adorable than the day before. Now when she cries she says "Reiny sad." It's so cute. But, now I have more responsibility and it doesn't seem to ever have an end in sight. Chase and Megan and concerned with each other, and Jordan and I are debating the right time to start trying to have more kids. I guess, I'm just sad that I'm not there anymore in my life. I have a lot to look forward to, but sometimes I wish I could turn back time and be "young" again in my responsibilities. Oh well, focus on the good, right? I have a great home and family.

Here are some pictures from the wedding. Jordan's cousin Pam took some amazing pictures with her awesome camera and as soon as we get a cd of that, I'll post those too!

Reiny with one of Megan's nephews...making a mess of the flower bed...she loves rocks! What a strange girl she's becoming!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Just some things I've been thinkin' about...

1. How come, for my 1st anniversay "I" got a 17HMR rifle instead of the trip to Yellowstone I'd planned, and now for my 7th anniversary, I got a Honda 230CFR Motor Bike instead of the hot tub I thought "we" wanted?

2. Why is it, that Jordan can build and fix quarter-mile+ irrigation systems and have them working so specifically that you can program them to apply an even amount of water across 160 acres, but he can't fix the sink in the bathroom in a way that will keep it from leaking for more than a month?

3. Why do bishopric members assume that a mother of a toddler would just "love" to be the new nursery leader?

4. How come, no one likes to post comments on my blog? Am I just that boring...? Probably...

5. Why do mommies not get "sick days" but daddies expect to be cared for like a toddler when their "tummies hurt real bad!"?

6. Does anyone else wake up in the morning one day and feel like everything is in order, and then the next day wake up thinking "I have nothing to look forward to today..." when in actuality there are lots of things to look forward to...?

7. Does any other woman out there sacrifice her secret "wants" for her family's (ie. husband's) "wants"?

8. Why am I not a trust-fund baby?

9. Why does Obama think it's ok to take my hard-earned money, the money for which I've literally skinned my nuckles bloody, and give it to the stupid porch monkey living on welfare? (That was probably off color, but I just got notified of a new tax that Obama wants to impose on cattle owners...the Methane Tax, because cows FART and add to the greenhouse gases!)

10. Is it wrong to blog about the things you stick in the back of your mind and constantly try to push aside to "maintain the peace"? Won't they eventually reach the surface somehow?

Sorry if this post seems somber, but I've really been wondering about these things's hard to push aside all the negativity around you every day...I'll keep trying though...I'm sure I'll like riding behind Jordan on his new dirt bike, and maybe I'll even learn how to ride it some day. I know Reiny loves going for rides with her least that's something.